Tools I Use

This is a list of the hardware and software I use on a daily basis. I'm always looking for new tools and ways to improve my workflow, so if you have any suggestions please feel free to reach out and let me know!



  • Most of my development is done in Visual Studio Code with the GitHub Dark Default theme. But I still open Vim from time to time to edit files and make quick changes. I have a custom theme called Breeze I use for Vim that's a fork of the Dracula theme.
  • A couple years ago I switched to using the Warp terminal and have never looked back. It's a fantastic tool with so many little benefits I could go on about it for a while...but don't worry, I won't.
  • Arc is my primary browser of choice, which I use for just about everything.
  • I replaced Mac's built in Spotlight with Raycast (Pro version) for quick and easy access to multiple AI models and a bunch of plugins.
  • For note taking I use Obsidian with a few different vaults to help keep things organized. Particularly my "slip-box", which is where I keep all my notes and ideas...a method I learned from one of my favorite books, How to Take Smart Notes.
  • 1Password is my password manager of choice.
  • I've been a loyal Proton customer for many years now. I use it for all my personal email, encrypted cloud storage, and VPN.
  • I built BuzyBee to help me manage all my tasks and projects using the GTD Methodology, and use it every day. It's not currently available to the public, but be sure to sign up for the waitlist if you're interested and I'll let you know as soon as it becomes available!
  • I recently started using Readwise to manage, organize and track all my reading.

That's about it for now. I'll be sure to update this page as I find new tools and software that I think are worth sharing.

© 2024 Jake Lundberg